
        This unique devotional study series is:

Based on a quarter and a 6-day week(leaving day 7 for you to experience the filling of His presence as you gather with others).

It is perpetual so it can be used year after year as you walk out this journey.

It is interactive – it gives you a comparatively thought filled piece of writing and then builds with scripture and questions that will stir you to look deep within yourself – making this a personal growth experience.

Winters Rest, Spring’s Assurance  , Summer’s Delight  and Fall’s Yield are designed to give you time to focus directly on narrowing your path on this journey.



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Winters Rest

We live in a very busy “Martha” world where to “slow down, sit, rest and be still” are all phrases that have become more and more foreign.  However, these disciplines are crucial in our desire to draw close to the Lord.  They refresh and recharge us as every area of our being cries out for them.  Our spiritual, physical, emotional and mental faculties all respond when these disciplines are implemented in our lives on a daily basis.

Winters Rest is designed to give you time to focus directly on narrowing your path on this journey.  Join me on a journey to freedom through Winters Rest.   Buy ebook


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Spring’s assurance

Our lives are filled with the whirlwind of daily survival, where the assurance of anything is questionable.  The assurance of Jesus extravagant unconditional love is as refreshing as the promise of new life that spring arouses in each of us.

Taking time to sit at the feet of Jesus and bask in the assurance of His love is His desire and the only place of recharging for our daily lives.

Join me as you narrow your path as you find the assurance of His love. Buy ebook

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Summer’s Delight

Our lives are fueled by a constant search for the next experience, person or thing that will bring us what we believe is true contentment.  However, finding that hidden place comes from within.

When we step into a new life with Christ – understanding that He is our source of complete fullness and delight – we find that place and from that foundation we cannot be shaken.

His love and rest lead us to a place of contentment and freedom as we walk out a journey filled with hidden wells of refreshment.

Summer’s Delight is designed to give you daily time as you sit at the feet of Jesus.

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Fall’s Yield

To live a life daily directed by the voice of Christ is found as you enter the door where Grace meets Lordship! His presence is the key and it’s found at His feet. As you wait in that place you will bask in the assurance of His love and your greatest delight will be in His profound goodness.  There, with arms stretched out in total surrender you will begin a fall into a journey where Grace meets Lordship. Here your ultimate desire will be His daily direction as a willing vessel “hearing” and “doing” as He directs.

Join me in a journey filled with extravagant love, faith, courage, purpose and anticipation. Each morning as your feet hit the floor a shout of “Yes, Lord” and an exuberant expectation of “what’s the plan today Lord?” will erupt from within.

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Are you ready for the journey?

Don’t forget your journal! As you journal – growth follows.

 Journal writing is an important life practice that allows and encourages growth in all areas of our lives.
